Timeline & findings
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The history of Somerville, 2010-2100 Contact
2010s - 2020s - 2030s - 2040s - 2050s - 2060s - 2070s - 2080s - 2090s - 2100
2050 - 2051 - 2052 - 2053 - 2054 - 2055 - 2056 - 2057 -


- 2059

Community participant predictions

Somerville and Cambridge have merged.
(source: Jay O'Grady. To see all of his predictions, click here.)

(image source: modified map from the US Census Bureau)


Somerville grows 20% of the food it consumes.
(source: Seth Itzkan. To see all of his predictions, click here.)


The city experiences drainage problems in 2050, resulting in significant loss of water quality. Low lying apartments and businesses along the Mystic are abandoned or rebuilt. Assembly Square Mall abandoned.
(source: Steven Popkes. To see all of his predictions, click here.)


Union Square is the hot new place to live; artists and students are forced to move because of rising rent. Somerville Hospital has become a world-famous addiction rehab center for the rich and famous.
___There is a large tax rebate for those who use biodiesel fuel. The MBTA is ultra-efficient, and offers a limo service.
___The influence of the Mafia and the Freemasons is extraordinary; they are not prosecuted for their crime, but are applauded for their charity work.
(source: Ayanna B. To see all of her predictions, click here.)

(image sources: MBTA.com and corporatecaronline.com)


Sometime between 2050-2060, a major hurricane strikes town. Many low-lying parcels are flooded, and there is extensive damage to property near the Mystic. To better cope with these catastrophes, political boundaries are redrawn again; the new Somerville now merges with Charlestown and a portion of Medford. This new city is called "Peninsular City."
(source: Alex Pirie. To see all of his predictions, click here.)


Other predictions

Global greenhouse gas emissions cut in half (source: Kuhn, "G8 pledges to halve emissions by 2050," NPR)


Boston metro region is a leading cultural and economic capital, known for environmental leadership.
___Zoning laws changed. 65% of all housing is multifamily, almost no new single-family construction; people prefer denser housing. Buildings have bicycle parking. Most live and work near transit hubs. Many employers offer free or reduced public transit passes to employees
___Work week reduced to 30 hours. Community engagement is up. People are more active and healthier. Poverty rate reduced by almost 90%. World is measured by GPI (genuine progress indicator) instead of GDP. This measures quality of life and sustainability
___Highways are redesigned to accommodate public buses, bicycles and scooters. Most of downtown is closed to private cars. Public transit is free downtown
___Energy use is ½ that of 2000, due to more efficient machinery, etc. CO2 emissions reduced by more than 70% from 2000. Water use is reduced by 40%
(source: Tellus Institute, "Vision for sustainable Greater Boston 2050")


50 percent of the world's energy comes from renewables.
(source: Schirber, "A timeline to energy independence" in LiveScience)


European Union is home to 449m people. Worldwide Muslim population is now 2 billion. India is a major global power, while US's power is greatly diminished.
(source: "Global catastrophes and trends: the next 50 years")


The world has become a market-based democracy, with no central economic power. Nations start to deconstruct. This means states won't be able to enforce rights. NGOs and companies will try to enforce rules--both as law-giving bodies, and with private security forces.
(source: Attali, "A brief history of the future: a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century")


Humans have begun having sex with, and marrying robots
(source: Choi, "Forecase: sex and marriage with robots by 2050," Fox News)


World population is 9.3 billion. Developing countries see population growth, as industrialized countries remain stable.
(source: Wikipedia, quoting the United Nations Population Fund)


Number of people worldwide with Alzheimer's disease tops 100m.
(source: Sanderson, "Alzheimer's cases around the world to quadruple by 2050," London Times)