Timeline & findings
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The history of Somerville, 2010-2100 Contact
2010s - 2020s - 2030s - 2040s - 2050s - 2060s - 2070s - 2080s - 2090s - 2100
2040 - 2041 - 2042 - 2043 - 2044 - 2045 - 2046 - 2047 -


- 2049

Community participant predictions

Humans have built-in chips that will have personal and financial information in them. Paper money is obsolete. There are no cars, except as collector's items; people get around on city-provided scooters. Pollution and waste are non-existent. All highways are torn down.
___Class and religion are abolished by Somerville government, and then world-wide. Professions are assigned by talent; people are paid according to quality and effort they put in.
___The most desireable condos are in Assembly Square. Auditi Guha lives in a studio in Union Square with her dogs to write, paint, make music all day.
(source: Auditi Guha. To see all of her predictions, click here.)

Assembly Square
(image source: Somerville STEP website)


Other predictions

The population of Earth is 7.7 billion people.
(source: Wikipedia, quoting the UN)


The population of the US is 350 million. By 2040, more than 15 countries will have atomic bombs.
(source: Attali, "A brief history of the future: a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century")